is our new site that we started to host a free version of our new Smart Forex Tester product.
We already released paid version in the end of 2016. It is built on the new framework – the same we used to develop our Forex Simulator.
The new free Tester version will replace the currently available 0.9.5 software which was developed on the old framework and will be phased out.

As the old Tester, the new free version also uses tick-by-tick data only and can test on both historical price quotes and using inbuilt live market data feed.
Considerable improvement is added C++ support – as a means of trading strategy definition.
Also, you can use C++ environment to test EA if you have a source code. After some modifications, MQ code can be compiled in the Tester, and the interfaces are provided similar to MT to support trading operations.
Free download at