We have been testing our new Automated Trader for 8 month from October 2020. The PPA based strategy stayed profitable. See the detailed report of our 8 month long GBPUSD live test.
Category: Forex Trading Strategies
Winning day trading strategy

Optimizing Pivot Point Analyzer tunes to the current market
A long awaited feature of Optimizing Pivot Point Analyzer parameters is finally available – in the just published new release of our flagship product – Smart Forex Tester Suite.
Optimizing Pivot Point Analyzer parameters makes the detection of the market extremes more accurate, because now you can adjust the detector parameters to best fit the recent market price action.
A convenient way to get the data for the optimization is to save the latest ticks acquired in the Suite when you run it on real-time data feed. For that, go to the Real time tab and use the Save ticks button to store the ticks to a file.
Then on the Data tab, load this file and go to Optimizer tab. There select the ranges for the parameters, and the accuracy you want (number of iterations). Then click on the Optimize parameters button and the Optimizer window will open.
The upper table shows the results of the optimization, and you can also monitor the process on 2 inbuilt graphs. When the software completes the calculations, you can plot the graph for each set of parameters. For that, select a line in the table and click Plot selected button.
When you finished, click Close button. The Optimizer window closes but the software will copy the results into the table on the Optimization tab. There you can select the best parameter set and make your strategy use it by clicking the Apply parameters button.
For each price extreme, the optimizer calculates its quality. The algorithm evaluates the extent and speed of the price change after the signal.
Maximum quality corresponds to the situation when the price immediately goes in the direction opposite to the signal, e.g. decreases for a market top signal.
The Quality parameter in the result table is an average of all the extremes detected in the single test.
In the future versions, we may modify the the software to run this optimization in a rolling fashion on the background.
Pivot Points Analyzer Optimizer and Simulator GUI redesign – coming soon
Next release of Smart Forex Tester Suite will deliver the Optimizer for our Pivot Points Analyzer algorithm. We’ll release it in the mid-March.
In addition this release will feature the redesigned Simulation GUI. Below is the prototype picture. Stay tuned and monitor your emails for the release email.
If you are not yet our subscriber, subscribe now – it’s free.
Day trading signals from dynamically optimized Pivot Points Analyzer
Day trading signals generated by Pivot Points Analyzer (PPA) in real-time help you enter the markets closely to its extremes. It is essential, as you can front-run many of those who only use lagging indicators. And it makes opening a profitable position much easier. Both manually and with trading automation.
We are currently finalizing a very important new PPA feature. Now, you can optimize the PPA parameters dynamically, i.e. adjust them to the current markets.
With the optimized parameters, PPA generates more accurate day trading signals.
Such optimization is needed, because the markets don’t always behave the same way. To understand whether if optimization can help, we did the following study.
We ran the same day trading strategy only on Asian trading sessions for one month. The strategy only used the PPA signals to enter and exit the markets. During all the tests, the PPA parameters stayed the same.
We picked Asian session because they are rarely very volatile.
Overall, the test was profitable. We investigated the worst session and could turn it to a profit by only adjusting the PPA parameters for this session.
This adjustment made the signals match the market extremes much better. And trades became profitable.
It is very important to note that the parameters stayed the same during the session!
Why is this important? This means the changes in the markets’ behavior doesn’t happen very fast. Giving us enough time to run optimization to adjust to the change. And also profit from optimized results.
In the first version of the optimizer you run it manually. You can configure the time span you optimize on.
Enhancements planned for the optimizer include running the optimization on the background. This will make it possible to optimize in a rolling fashion. For example, run it every time we got 500 new ticks. Or every time a new PPA signal is fired.
Switching favorite trading strategies on the fly in Smart Forex Tester
One of the benefits of Smart Forex Tester is is that now you can switch your favorite trading strategies on the fly*.
The idea behind the switching is very simple – for you to quickly adjust the strategy to the market situation.
This feature works in both testing and trading modes.
In the GUI, favorite strategies remind preset buttons in a car radio.
Once you successfully compile a strategy, you can save it as one of the favorites, and also add a comment, so that you would remember the details later.
You can read this comment later as a tooltip – when you hover the mouse over the button.
Smart Forex Tester stores your favorite trading strategies on disk, so you can use them immediately after you start the software.
You can always re-write any of the favorites or change the comment.
Last but not least, switching the strategies happens really fast. In most cases, the next tick that comes after you clicked the button, will already be processed by the new strategy.
*) Requires a premium license.
Summer Sale 2019 is coming!
Good news!
To celebrate so long awaited summer, we decided to make our subscribers a very attractive offer for our flagship product – Smart Forex Tester Suite 2.0!
This sale will be announced next week. Please check your email regularly for the detail.
In case you haven’t done it yet – subscribe now. It is free.
There are some really cool features of the 2.0 series that we are developing.
If you need a refresher what our software is capable of, take a look here.
And last but not least: did you know you can get our premium software absolutely free?
Check out our Bonus Program!
Smart Forex Tester 2.0
As 2018 comes to an end, we are glad to report that we are close to finalizing all the features that were planned for the 1.0 series of the software.
Both Data Manager and Test Manager functionality (Fast Test mode and Test Batch mode) have been already released.
MetaTrader integration is still in the works, and we recently decided not to include this feature into the 1.0 series, but make it part of the 2.0 version instead.
Now, with the testing framework in place, in the 2.0 series we can concentrate on the usability, and – most importantly – we will be also working on implementing our ideas for dynamic strategy optimization.
Note that with MT integration in place, our market timing tool can be used not only on Forex, but also on other markets. So, we are thinking of changing the product name, as well.
If you’ve already purchased a 1.0 license, don’t worry! You will get the MT integration update for your software in January 2019 (and will continue to get free updates for life).
If you haven’t yet purchased the 1.0 software – read on!
As our software now got to the next level in its maturity, its price will increase correspondingly – we will double the price starting 2019.
You still have it until the New Year to purchase the Suite at the old price. And it’s still just one-time payment, and free updates for life included. And of course, risk-free for 30 days.
Moreover, our subscribers cam claim even a more attractive deal.
If you are a subscriber already, be sure to check your email for the offer.
If you are not a subscriber yet, subscribe now (it is free).
Smart Forex Tester Suite Products: License Comparison Chart
Update 07/17/21: The feature table is outdated!
We are working on the update – check back shortly.
Smart Forex Tester Suite products provide a set of advanced tools for developing and testing your trading strategy.
The products can be used for manual trading simulation and trading automation with the standard C++ language. Testing is possible both on real live prices and offline.
The license comparison chart below shows the features enabled in each product included in the Suite (click on the image to enlarge).
Different products included in the Suite provide different combinations of data feed and trading automation level.
Any Forex strategy testing tool must have two key elements: a source of market data and a trading commands execution mechanism.
A trading strategy can be executed either manually, or automatically. The data feed can be either real-time price quotes from a live data feed or historical prices stored in a file.
Free Products
Online Trading Simulator streams live real prices to practice the manual trading when the Forex markets are open.
Offline Trading Simulator renders historical data to make it possible to practice the manual trading even when the markets are closed.
Free licenses are available with free subscription.
Premium Products
Smart Forex Tester Suite is the top of the line product that includes all available features with more to come.
Smart Forex Tester Suite Ultimate
Smart Forex Tester Suite software is all you need to automate your trading strategy and test it – both on historical market data and on live prices.
Now, in the latest edition of the Suite we also added the functionality to detect the market turns in real-time.
To understand why we need it, let’s start from a simple question.
How can we make profit in Forex?
The market is random. We can’t predict its direction. However, what we know is that the markets never move in a straight line.
Moreover, we know that the prices travel from an extreme in one direction to the next – in the opposite. This is how the markets work (price discovery).
Imagine that you could know when the market is going to reverse – that would be great, right? But is it possible?
Watch this 3 min video and see how our software does it in real time. (Note the video is very informative, so pause it if needed to read all the subtitles).
The detection algorithm in our software is the result of our many years’ research experience in signals detection from the random background noise.
Principally different from indicators
The advantage of our algorithm is in that it works so fast that you can use it for timing of market entry or exit.
Whereas indicators are principally lagging, because they use averaging. Even for a very short M1 time frame, you need to wait for each reading for 1 min. Which is long enough time for a lot of see-sawing to happen.
Indicators are useful to provide a big picture, but it is difficult to base your trading on indicators only. For example, the RSI can indicate that the market is overbought or oversold – but this condition can stay for quite a long time and even develop further.
Day Trading and much more
Thanks to low detector delay, you can use its signals – the dots you saw in the video – for the day trading.
On the longer time frames, the detector signals can be part of more complex trading strategies, including indicators-based. Combined signals will let you enter the market much better.
Adding proper market timing to any lagging indicator will give you the best of both worlds. Otherwise, you could lose tens of pips on both entry and exit – because of the seesawing of the market.
Moreover, if a signal turned out not to be a pivot point, good timing helps to minimize the losses.
Because even at local extremes, the market tends to slow down and seesaw – and you might have the time to exit if you are unsure – you may even make a little profit!
Trading Automation
Forex can be stressful and take a lot of time. Trading automation is a way to reduce the stress and boost the effectiveness.
Smart Forex Tester Suite Ultimate makes the pivot points signals available for your automated C++ trading strategy. It gives you an enormous potential.
Similar to the auto-pilot in an aircraft, the automation is the best way to get rid of routine and time-consuming activity. An automated strategy monitors the situation way more reliably than you and reacts much faster.
So, you can delegate the market entry task to the algorithm. You will save your time – no need to be chained to your computer. You can leave your desk and return only when you hear the sound signal of the market entry from the computer.
Next, you can decide for yourself what to do with the position opened. And like we said above, even if it was a false alert, you might still have enough time to minimize the impact.
Alternatively, you can enter the market manually, but then automate the tracking of your position. Obviously, pivot points signals let you implement much more flexible profit taking logic – compared to regular (even trailing) stops.
Ultimate Forex Strategy Testing Environment
Smart Forex Tester Suite Ultimate provides all needed to develop and test your trading strategy.
The Suite’s unique functionality makes it possible to considerably reduce the time required for testing – be it manual or automated.
Forex Trading Simulator is designed for manual testing of your strategies. You can test both on historical tick-by-tick market data and live prices. The Simulator provides 100% market modelling quality with the tick rendering accuracy of up to 1 ms.
If your day job keeps you very busy on weekdays, offline Simulator is a perfect solution. It lets you test at any time, convenient for you. Most importantly, on weekends – when the market is closed.
The flexibility of offline testing alone makes the Simulator superior to any demo account. But the Simulator also saves your time, due to variable tick data feed speed functionality.
So, doing Fast forward on the slow market, you can skip the dull time – without losing anything! It is like skipping the commercials in a recorded TV series.
Alternatively, using Slow motion feature, you can test on fast markets. For example, during news releases, it might be useful to reduce the data feed speed to up to 1/4X.
In addition, it is the fast moving market when it is interesting to use the trading server delay functionality. The delay is always present in real life online trading and the Simulator lets you model it.
You can also run the Simulator online. Live market data feed gives you real tradable prices for 10 main currency pairs – no account needed. You can use pivot points algorithm to generate real-time market signals and test on live market.
Furthermore, you can also manage and save your time in online real-time simulation! Thanks to a unique Time Shift feature.
Time Shift lets you pause live data feed whenever needed, so you don’t have to be chained to your computer even during live trading. When you resume, all the offline data speed manipulation options will become available, as well.
This functionality is evidently impossible to get on a regular demo account.
Smart Forex Tester is used for trading automation design and testing, both offline on historical data and on live prices online.
The Tester only works on tick data (no interpolations!) and so it provides 100% accurate market modelling.
The Tester uses the same data engine as the Simulator, so all the options to vary data feed speed and simulate server delay are also available.
The Tester provides full-fledged C++ environment for strategy definition. Pivot Points detection algorithm is made available to strategies.
The C++ environment makes the Tester EA-compatible on source code level. As MQL is very like C++, after relatively small syntax changes an MQL code can be compiled and run in the Tester. The trading interfaces between the strategy and the Tester engine are similar to those used in MT.
You can analyze your trades using zoom in function. It shows a snapshot of the market with a tick accuracy – even when the test continues running at the maximum speed.
The Tester will provide more smart functionality* to further increase test efficiency and save your time. E.g. in the Quick test mode you can get a draft test result much faster. With the Test Manager, you can save the most critical market data as test scenarios and only run tests in batches instead of testing every time on full data arrays.
So, in summary, the Smart Forex Tester Suite Ultimate will give you all you need:
OFFLINE Trading Simulator
- 100% modeling quality
- up to 1 ms accuracy
- varying data speed
- pivot points signals
ONLINE Trading Simulator
- 10 main currency pairs
- no account needed
- live tick data recording
- Time Shift for time saving
- live pivot points signals
Strategy Tester
- Test Automation framework
- C++ development environment
- source code EA-compatibility
- pivot points signals in C++ code
- Trade Analyzer
- quick test mode*
- Test Manager*
Data Manager*
Benefits from Synergy
Smart Forex Tester Suite Ultimate consists of very advanced and sophisticated software components that you can use stand-alone. However, it is from synergy between them that you will benefit the most. It will boost your efficiency and save your time.
*) Available 2H2018